PigsLego <3.                     Jie Hui      
Monday, February 05, 2007 @ 8:48 AM

yesterday... i went to the doc again, cause my gastric cramp still not any better... then went myturn comes... the doctor press my stomach then say that maybe my 'dan jie shi' wa... have you seen so dramatic stuff b4... woo... and the day b4 ytd, i went out with jing jing cause she wanna pway the ds... then we went to take neo prints together. we saw this new machine which looks quite nice... 'ka ching' the photos are taken, we went out to choose the ones we wanna print out... and we click and click, left this super ugly one that we dun wan. after the time's up. i saw this paper that is sticked on the machine, 'pls click on the ones you dun wan' wad??!! i'm totally shocked!! my goodness... never in my life have a neo print that all the pics are totally the same!!!
:D haha

Friday, February 02, 2007 @ 6:49 PM

oh ya... though it's very long time ago, but i have to say this... cause i've change my hair style... i cut it wor... so bu ren xin to watch it with my own eyes when it's 'ka ca~!!' away... wa.. but this length oso quite good la... lol... cause don't need to use as much shampoo...:D

Thursday, February 01, 2007 @ 11:48 AM

i wasn't really sure of when is the result coming out... but i think it's okay ba... just that the doctor didn't say anything about it... lol... should be ok...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 @ 10:45 PM

i'm going for the scope thing soon... i'm totally... my goodness... today i went to another doctor again... though it's not good... but the pain still haven go yet... then this doctor said that it's very difficult to get cancer this young... and said there you be, but once in like 10 years... and it's inheritance... so... he said maybe it's the gastric 'not so serious' problem... lol... at least i could laugh...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 @ 10:05 AM

it was like a nightmare to me... i went to the doctor for my gastric and lung problem ytd. then when it's my turn... the nightmare came... the doctor said that he's afriad that i might have problems with my stomach... maybe it's cancer... he told mi to go for a scope to check... i was terrified... puzzled... he said that there's once a girl, at the age of 17 was suffering from gastric cancer... really... i am now very puzzled... help me please...

Monday, January 29, 2007 @ 8:50 PM

i'm so used to the ppl shouting at home... it's just too much ppl and so would cause too much conflict... i wan a place that is quiet and would allow mi to study... i just can't concentrate when the ppl are shouting to eadh other... today's my turn... my turn to shout... they just get on my nerves when they started shouting and yelling... yes... sometimes it's fun to have a lot of ppl living under one roof, but sometimes.. it's hard...well i don't live with my parents... my relationship with them is not bad actually... i feel like moving to theirs...", ok.. i think that's all...

Saturday, January 27, 2007 @ 11:28 AM

okay... toady... i've lot of things to do. homework and research work... this is so weird... cause in the secondary school, we don't do so much of research work. that's why i'm sooo not use to it... and!! the most impotantly is that i'm an computer idiot!!! :)


Jie hui... from hs... now at srjc... er... er... ok... er... :D